Have you ever thought of yourself as a person with a marketing problem? Yep? I thought so. We all did at some point of our careers. But is it really a true statement?
The point I will try to make here is that you can’t be further from the truth.
Somewhere along the line you’ve convinced yourself that you might be a bad marketer. You didn’t achieve expected results in a specific time frame, or you didn’t get the right feedback you expected or you felt that your message is not understood well. It gets even more crazy when you think about it more.
But for now, please STOP. This wrong assumption is a by product of socialization process. You or people around you installed wrong software into your brain. And they’ve made you believe that you’re not smart enough, or that you’re not good enough. And BANG! The memory and certain emotions were born.
During this dreadful process you’ve convinced yourself you’ve got a marketing problem. I think, and I feel that it’s time to get really clear on this.
You don’t have a marketing problem. And here’s why!!!
Every day you do a wonderful job, you wake up in the morning, you do certain things during the day, things that need internal motivation and some kind of self-inspiration. You’re talking to your kids, teaching them different things, you go shopping, you talk to your wife or husband, you create transformational programs, or beautiful products, you post on your blog or you deliver excellent services. You’re great at recommending films to your friends and that new music album that you bought lately. You are a great marketer in any of those situations. Marketing is a way of communication between people.
And it’s not about selling. It’s a storytelling problem.
Marketing is about fascinating people, and inspiring them to take action. How often do you do that during the day? With your kids or in your relationship, with the postman or with the lady at the grocery shop or anywhere?
You connect, you smile, you talk, you listen, you create, you teach EVERY SINGLE DAY!!!
When you communicate your true self and you don’t sabotage yourself, magic happens. This is your natural state of being. This is you without the thought about having a marketing problem.
You don’t have a marketing problem and it’s highly likely that you’re a great marketer. It’s all about stories we share with our audience. So work on that part.
And since I know how hard it is to come up with a great story, I’ve decided to share with you a 7 Step Formula for crafting a powerful story for your business idea.
I use this process with my clients on a daily basis and it gets them wonderful results.
You can use it when creating content for your website, or making a juicy introduction to your youtube video or anywhere you want.
This is how it goes ——-> You should keep this order:
- The Mission - this is where you tell your audience why you do what you do, what
was your call, what kind of experiences shaped you, what kind of
observations made you think that way. What was that thing you
wanted to solve so badly.
- The Pit - the pit is your first downfall, the first time you had doubts, or maybe your business partner left, or you weren't sure if you are on the right track. You wanted to quit or maybe go back to your old job. This
is the most important part that simply says - "I'm only a human, like you".
- The Journey - this is where you tell your audience how your journey started,
what was driving you, this is where you describe you passion
and how your work began to change other people's lifes. You
were following certain direction but still you weren't sure if it's
the right one.
- The Breakthrough - this is where you talk about the moment your efforts
transformed into some sort of success. At this point you
were completely sure that you're on the right track.
That you found a way to serve people and
communicate your business idea, your values
and your mission.
- The Suprising Results - at this point you write about the suprising results
that your business idea created. You've tested it
many times, and every time you've used your
expertise the results were consistently great. Or
your product was positively tested and proved it's
high value.
- The People's Results - this is very important part for your customers. Talk about other people's results. Highlight all the
good things, what they said, what they felt. Use
some testimonials. Heat it up!
- The Triumph - and finally celebrate success with your audience. Tell
them how happy you are, and how wonderful it is to
be able to help them, to save them time, money, stress and other things.
This is a formula that helped me connect with my audience on a completely new
level. I encourage you to use this 7 Steps Formula in your business to tell the best
story you can and share it with your tribe/community. I assure you, it will change
your business and your career forever.
I really hope you found some value in this. If you did, it would mean the world to me for you to scroll down and hit that g+ button!.
How important it is to have a great story behind your brand?
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9 Seconds to Success... or Failure in your business